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Getting started in modeling can sound hard, but it's as easy as ever. With social media and agencies/brands being more inclusive, anyone can do it.

The first step to getting a modeling career is to sign with a reputable agency. The best way to get signed with major worldwide agencies is to find a mother agency. Mother agencies are agencies that help build portfolios, connect you with worldwide agencies, and help with your progress into becoming a confident model. Mother agencies are all over and easy to find by searching "modeling mother agency (your location)". Once you've found your agency, you're going to want to take natural photos in black skinny jeans and a tank top.

(here is an example)

Once you've submitted your pictures and information, wait to hear back with results.

Important information- Finding a real agency is very important, so make sure they don't scam you by asking for money. Also, if you find yourself choosing between multiple agencies, choose the one you feel the most comfortable signing with.

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